You’re engaged – which means: it’s wedding planning time! HECK YES!! Not only is this season of your life so much dang fun, it’s undoubtedly overwhelming. The one question I get asked the most as a full-time wedding photographer is: “Do I need to create a shot list for my photographer?” And my answer is NO. Yep, you read that right. So let’s get into The Ins and Outs of a Shot List: Tips for Couples Getting Married.

I’m sure you’ve been scrolling through Pinterest looking at everything wedding related. As your wedding day gets closer, you might be asking yourself the above question – “Do I need to create a shot list for my photographer?” And like I said, no. Most photographers will have a very good idea of what shots to take. 

Your photographer will also ask you if there are any certain photos or images that you absolutely want captured. Whether there are sentimental moments (like your grandmother placing a bracelet on your wrist), or sweet moments (like your flower girl looking up at your wedding dress), let your photographer know! It’s not that your wedding photographer will forget these shots, it’s that they want to ensure they know to focus on these moments. 

That’s it, folks. I couldn’t possibly summarize The Ins and Outs of a Shot List: Tips for Couples Getting Married better. In all honesty, if you would feel better making a list… do it! But trust your photographer and know that they are skilled in capturing all of the sweet moments of your wedding day. If you’re looking for more Wedding Tips, click here! Be sure to shoot me a DM on Instagram (@sarahyatesphoto) and let me know what photos are on your “must have” shot list. 


The Ins and Outs of a Shot List: Tips for Couples Getting Married

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