As we all know, it’s the season of love. If you follow me over on Instagram (@sarahyatesphoto), you know that I am married to my best friend – Jeffrey. I love doing Q & A’s on Instagram, and people are always asking how Jeffrey and I met. So without further ado, here’s how I met my husband. 

For those of you who don’t know, I’m originally from Minnesota. I moved to California in the fall of 2014 to attend Biola University. The very first day at Biola, the university had teamed up with Target to do 5% off for Biola students; they shut down Target and everything (talk about a dream, right?!). Right before I walked into the store, one of my new friends texted me saying, “hey, did you know Gibby from iCarly is a freshman at our school!?” I was shocked because, who doesn’t love Gibby?! 

So I was wandering through Target, picking out the essentials with my parents when I looked up and saw (who I thought was) Gibby a few aisles ahead of me. I left my parents behind and told them how I needed to meet Gibby. I go around the aisle and see that Gibby was standing with his friend who was looking at pencil sharpeners. Naturally, I go over and also start looking at pencil sharpeners. The friend and I strike up a conversation when he turns to introduce me to Gibby. The friend goes, “hey, this is Sarah. She’s from Wisconsin.” Which hello!? Gibby then says “Oh hi, I’m Jeffrey. I’ve never met someone from Wisconsin.” I was SHATTERED that it wasn’t Gibby! All I said was, “I’m actually from Minnesota” and walked away…

A few days later after the heart-breaking incident, Jeffrey and I ran into each other. As fate would have it, Jeffrey (and the REAL Gibby – who’s name is actually Noah) lived on my “brother” floor. Jeffrey asked me what had happened the other night, and told me his perspective of the situation. I left out the part about Gibby and just told him that I was tired. We became really good friends over the next year, and began dating. But trust me, i didn’t tell him the Gibby story until at least 6 months into our relationship 😉

Tell me how you met your love down below! I’m a sucker for a good love story <3 Be sure to stay tuned for the story of the challenges I faced when moving from Minnesota to California – coming to the blog in March!


How I Met My Husband

  1. […] in all, I am SO thankful to live in California. Not only did I meet my husband here, but this place honestly feels like home. I love this place so much that I am usually found […]

  2. […] few months ago, I introduced you to my sweet husband, Jeffrey. But did you know that Jeffrey and I have another roommate?! Yep, that’s right! Meet Mia […]

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