How to Make 1 month of Reels in 30 Minutes

If you’ve spent any time on Instagram in the last couple years, you’ll know that video content is taking precedence over static content. I remember when Instagram began to make the shift; everyone (especially photographers) were worried how it would affect them. As a full-time wedding photographer and educator, I was also a little anxious to see how it would impact my bookings and inquiries. But now, here we are, 2 years later and I love Reels. So if you’ve been dragging your feet when it comes to making your OWN Reels due to overwhelm, you’ve come to the right place. I’m letting you in on how to create 30 reels in 30 minutes!

Reels creation is a daunting task, much like planning out your grid. And trust me, I get it. It seems like we are constantly posting on Instagram, coming up with captions, finding the best hashtags, etc. All of this is on top of the other tasks wedding photographers and creatives have on their plates. When I put together my Krabby Patty formula of Reel Creation if you will 😉, I was able to take back my time while posting consistently. One of the most important parts of committing to creating Reels is recognizing the importance of them. So here’s the SparksNotes version: 

Why Reels are Important:

As TikTok quickly took the social media world by storm, Instagram had to figure out a way to compete. ✨Enters IG Reels ✨ The biggest benefit of Reels (besides that everyone is creating them) is brand awareness. Your video will be findable on the Explore page, Reels tab, and by the attached audio. I truly encourage you to not see Reels as the enemy; see them as yet another means of marketing to your ideal audience. 

Alright, friend. You know the “why”. So let’s get you CREATING! All the hard work you put in day-in-and-day-out deserves to be seen. Claim your very own FREE Krabby Patty Formula of Reel Creation🍔 to help you create 30 Reels in 30 Minutes. 🤩 Make sure to tag me on Instagram (@sarahyatesphoto) in your Reels – I can’t wait to see what you create!

Additional Resources:

How to Create Irresistible Freebies
The Ins and Outs of Client Avatars
How a Virtual Assistant Helps Photographers

Business Tips

How to Create 30 Reels in 30 Minutes

  1. […] How to Create 30 Reels in 30 MinutesThe Ins-and-Outs of Client AvatarsFinding Your Style as a PhotographerMy Secret to Make Your Photos POP! […]

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